Tuesday 31 May 2016

Tamilnadu Polytechnic M Scheme : Programming in C Practical Manual-Code :34036

Course Name : Diploma In Electronics And Communication Engineering

Subject Code : 34036

Semester : III Semester

Subject Title : ” Programming in C “ Practical.

  1. Write C language program to find the solution of a quadratic equation.
  2. Write C language program to find whether the given number is a positive number, negative number or zero.
  3. Write C language program to find the sum of series using While loop.
  4. Write C language program to perform the Arithmetic operation based on the numeric key press using switch case statement. (1 - Addition, 2 - Subtraction, 3 – multiplication, 4 - Division).
  5. Write C language program to implement Ohms Law.
  6. Write C language program to find factorial o f given N numbers using function.
  7. Write C language program to prepare the total marks for N students by reading the Name, Reg.No, Marks 1 to Marks 6 using array of structure.
  8. Write C language program to swap the values of two variables.
  9. Write C language program to calculate the equivalent resistance of three resistances connected in series and parallel.
  10. Write C language program to calculate the equivalent Capacitance of three Capacitors connected in series and parallel.
  11. Write C language program to find Resonant Frequency of RLC Series and Parallel Circuits.
  12. Write C language program to find the power factor of series RL circuits.
  13. Write C language program to find the Q factor for series and parallel resonant circuits.
  14. Write C language program to draw the symbol of NPN transistor using Graphics.
  15. Write C language program to draw the symbol of Diode using Graphics


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